Hey jammers! There are alot of new green stuff aroud jamaa! As the first item, The clover chair , and the store at the lucky party is filled up!
As you could notice, i changed the blog a little because Its the lucky season in jamaa, Also the spring came a while ago.
The second item is the clover cape, now sold in bahari bargains.
And also im a nonmember again, so i cant buy an of these items ^.^
As the second furniture item, its the clover tube(in sunken treasures)
The D.E. also posted a few new posts, go and check them out!(click here to go to the blog)
The newest post is the plushie mania collection, of the raccoon plushies!
They also posted about the lucky party!
And the new hat contest winner...
And they gave a hint for a birds of paradise journey book guide.
And now enjoy in awesome jammers art!
And the D.E. also posted a new news crew assingment, for bradys lab , about the new birthstone and the ne epic den of the week, And as the ast post the monthly member gift, the wolf pups!
Happy jamming everyone, hope to see you soon in jamaa! Oh ya and as always thanks for reading!