31 January 2013

Valentines update by snowyclaw

click here to see the full jamaa journal!
Hey jammers! Today's an update day, lots of new stuff to do. I'll start with today's new items. On the first page of the Shiveer Shoppe there is the Heart Cape and on the third page of the Mystery Emporium there is the returning Pink Chest.
AJHQ has revealed the monthly member gift for February.
Although I know a lot of you are tired of pets as monthly gifts I've got to admit, they're pretty darn cute.  The Jamaa Journal also holds announcements on AJ valentines, available in Jammer Central. They look pretty fun, print and color!
AJHQ has also made Sky High a nonmember arcade game!
Ever wanted an easy-to-get plaque? Well now you can! Simply take the Online Safety Quiz somewhere in Jamaa!
If you get 10/10 correct you get 25 gems (each time you complete the quiz) and an Online Safety Plaque (first time).
Guess what jammers? Our guesses and hopes sparked by Raccoon Hats have come true (quite quickly in fact, haha).
 What a neat new animal, I can't wait till they come to Jamaa. There is a new art post on the Daily Explorer, I should mention.
Jamaa is being decorated for the Friendship Festivals, isn't it exciting? What are the decorations you can find laying around?
And you know what holiday seasons bring, right? Rare returning items and crazy fun parties for everyjammer!
 Cosmo is still processing hat art from the last contest, but another one is already starting. In this one you draw your best buddy and you together in celebration of the Friendship Festival.

That's about all I have about the update jammers, hope you're having fun on all your adventure in the land of Jamaa.
And ya sorry again i couldn't post , but i didnt have the time, ill try to post in a few hours!
Happy jamming everyone!

30 January 2013

Hats and banners

Hello jammers! Todays rare is a rare wizard hat, wich was a monday rare too! And the yesterday's item was the frozen banner! It was a rare from last year too.
And the D.E. posted a new post, actually 2 new posts, one for rare monday, the rare cowboy hat, and one for the new den of the week!
Did you know, that you get a plaque if your den gets promoted to the epic den post?
Its called the thumbs up plaque. And also you could get one if you send a fan mail to them, here is a picture by snowyclaw about it.
Also please anyone if they could just send a picture, drawing or a video on our e mail, for the fan art page!
e mail:animaljamfanblog@gmail.com
If you are interested in something, like a free plush giveaway, for the plush, just comment below, and i will tell you what plush are available right now, Thanks anyway for all the readers!
Oh ya and as always thanks for reading!
Click here to go to the animal jam spirit art, and here to visit animal jam spirit!

28 January 2013

R.I.M. and what i missed...

Hello jammers!Sorry i didn't post so long... again, i couldn't... my membership expires tomorrow, so i wanted to buy much as possible. Anyway the "rare" item of today is the rare cowboy hat, now sold as the first item in the jam mart clothing store!
And ya, here are the stuff i didn't post these days!
As the yesterdays item, or could i say two items were the goal post and the witch hat!
Also the witch hat was soled at the hunted forest party in 2012!(it isn't rare)
Also the D.E. posted the liza's contest winners!
And i saw the rare bow, from last years jamaalidays on snowyclaw's blog! Isn't it cool?
And while i was playing the falling phantoms, i saw the "rare" tail armor, the same color as the bow!
Practically, you need to be a member to wear the elf tail armor, but this wolf doesn't look like one, wont you say?
Now for the yesterday's two items, there was a rare top hat, last time soled last year, in the leap years party!
The second item is the football! Lots of jammers were scammed for it, including me, but that was a good jammer so it gave my stuff back! It does look like a beta, doesn't it?
And the D.E. posted a new post, about birth stones!
And i saw the strange glitch on snowyclaw's blog!
Just two days to go!
For three days ago, there was a new underwater item, lots like the smack of jellyfish!
The shoal of minnows!
And another D.E. post, a new jammers art!
Click here to go to the D.E.!
And for the last item, i mean two items, the fire pots are back!And there was a rare hat day, the chicken hat, soled at the leap years party!
And the new, as i can say old article from ajhq on the D.E. , and the new one i forgot to putt up there, the post from today!
Happy jamming everyone, and ya as always thanks for reading!

23 January 2013

Smack of jellyfish

Heya jammers! whats up? Todays new item is the smack of jellyfish, now soled in the cany kove den shop!Its cool, you shoulg get one!
And the DE posted a new post for the hat contest! What crazy kind of hat did you invent? Please comment!Ive drew a secret agent hat!
And there are 4 new videos of tyrney and dr barr!You should check them out!
And you should ask them more fun questions! That would be amazing!

22 January 2013

Royal cape and rare hat

Hello jammers! Today's new item is the golden royal cape, now sold in epic wonders! Also its another rare hat day! the rare phantom hat, last time in the leap year store!
The leap yer party was almost a year ago, And it will happen again in 2016! Just tree years away!
Happy jamming everyone, and as always thanks for reading!