17 January 2013

Happy Hatapalooza!

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Heya jammers! the new update is here! the hat apalooza update!
In this update, there are 3 new hat shops, where you can buy some rare hats!And if you come to aj everyday, you could find a rare hat!
The first one is at mt. shieveer,and here is what it offers:
The second one is at the serapia forest:
And the rares one, witch has top hats , is located in the canyon pathway!
And yesterdays new item, with the flooring there is a wallpaper:
And there are new items in the epic wonders, the birth stones, witch will come difrrent every month!Also there is a display for them.
And at the jamaa township, there are the winners of lizas transformation contest showed of in the gallery.
Also there is another news crew winner, thats insane! And ajhq reminds of the pet owls.
And the new activity calendar is here too! The double gems are now on twister!
Enjoy the update, happy jamming, and as always thanks for reading!