27 October 2012

Deamons and clowns

Hey jammers! Two new items today; the first is the Demon Mask for sale in Jam Mart Clothing. All new colors!

Meanwhile, in Bahari Bargains the Clown Mask has returned in a bunch of new snazzy colors. Buy a few and see!

Also, a new News Crew post on the Daily Explorer.

Seems like it was posted too early because there are a bunch of mistakes, mismatched paragraphs, and sentences that drop off, well, mid-sentence. Hopefully they'll correct this soon! Otherwise I'd just suggest you start writing your Arctic Wolves articles.

25 October 2012

New update!

Hey jammers! Lots of things going on with this update, but first, the new items. In Jam Mart Clothing there are two new items.

New colors for the Yeti Mask, and totally new Monster Teeth! Down in Bahari Bay are two new items as well.

New colors for the Nessie Mask and a new item, the Skull Necklace! Finally, two new/newish items in Sunken Treasures.

Coral Phantoms and Scary Barrel Sponge. Now the update! First few pages are about the new Arctic Wolves at Walmart.

Night of the Phantoms items are leaving soon, get your favorites! Dang, I've gotten only a few, time sure does fly!

There also seems to be a new animal being released to nonmembers, coming in the next few updates. What is it?

There is also a new game in the shallows of Bahari Bay.

It's just like an underwater Jamaa Durby.

More wildlife videos will be coming to Jamaa and I've hear that if your question is chosen you'll get a AJHQ plaque. . .

The most exciting part of this update (in my opinion) is the fact that shamans/alphas are being reintroduced into jamaasian culture! The first redesigned alpha to be released is Liza.

Is that amazing guys? We helped make this happen! Though it's a change from the past it's better than the way we were before, and I find the new backgrounds of the alphas to be very interesting!

I'm still leaving our past culture page up though. There are some new alpha themed loading pages, check 'em out!

Hey, is that me the funny antler wolf in Graham's story? Hehe. ^.^ Here's the current double gems game!

And lastly, this update's calender!

Happy jamming everyone! Click here to see the full jamaa journal!

24 October 2012

Neck bolts

Hey Jammers!

Today's new item is the Neck Bolts in Bahari Bargains.

Cool! They remind me of Frankenstein, he has some kind of bolts on his neck, too!
What do you think of these? Would you wear them?

Also, the Daily Explorer posted about Phantoms.

Cool! But again, it seems all the 'Plushie Mania' posts say the same thing, over and over again >.<

There might be another new item in the Haunted Forest Party, but I can't get in yet.

If there is, please send in a picture!

That's all I have time for now, See you later!

23 October 2012


Hey jammers! I finally got to yesterday's new Eyeball Hats, sold in the Haunted Forest. What do you think of the new colors?

Meanwhile, today's new clothing item was the Halo, the underwater halo (same colors as last year), sold in Bahari Bargains.

The furniture item of the day is the Coral Tombstone (all new!) sold in the pages of the underwater Sunken Treasures.

Also, here are some new posts on the Daily Explorer!

And i spotted a dolphin at the wolfs only party today!

Happy jamming everyone!

22 October 2012


Hey jammers! todays new item is the rare headdress!!! U can buy it at the shiver shoppe in mountain shieveer in the cocoa hut!
Happy jamming everyone see ya in jamaa!!

21 October 2012

hey jammers!!!!!

Heya jammers!!! I am finally back, sorry i didnt post so long and long.... nut i was scammed so i needed to start over my super rare colection, nevermind that now, the day of the phantoms is in jamaa again ! Dozens of new stuff are in stores now, the halloween stuff! Today there is the pawesome underwater horns, now sold in bahary bargains.And for your den the web floor! And there is a new player card, the membership cart such as the king of the jungle, The ARTIC WOLF membership pack!!! They are the newest animals in jamaa, for now :3.The daily explorer also posted about them, and as is advertising them too.And ive got a picture of an actual one, all credit to snowyclaw.
And ya,i will try to keep on posting as much as i can, please,comment, and happy jamming everyone!!!