31 July 2012

AJ is offline again

Hey jammers! AJ is offline again so i will post a random post! What do u think, are these birds in a  same family?
Little bee-eater pictures: one of the best bird pictures in a new contest
Love from the black and white zebras,its so pretty .

Why are you staring at me?! You think im a fox?,well im a coyote...

Like from a farytale... Beutiful ,but alone,poor guy...

Hey stop pushing me, no you stop pushing me!(tons of flamingoes)

These are ladybugs from my country! It is alot of the red ones.

Family love...Ahhhhh so beutyfull...

This is awesome to me jammers, but what do you think?
its good that we have our old hangout again...

Click here to see more of this amusing pictures!

Raccoon tail

Hey jammers! Today's new item is the Raccoon Tail, sold in the clothing booth of the sunny Summer Carnival. :)
Happy jamming everyone!See ya in jamaa!

26 July 2012

Mayor post(maybe the last post please read!)

Hey jammer's it went a lot of time from the day I didn't post but here is what I missed. First of all sorry that the post won't have pictures,that is because I'm on my I pad. First item is the golden wings,salled in epic wonders,second item is the rare monday item the rare epic dragon mask,I don't know why but I think that the epic dragon mask what's on sale in aj beta times but a little diffrent color,allso there what's a fox topillarry now on sale in the conservation museum,next is the knight armor. And today's new item is the giant fox plushie in the conservation museum. Allso I have bad news jammer's.this blog is felling apart.No new members , no high views no new comments,and soon for real this blog will disappear. But please white in the comments,what should I do to make this blog better please, if anyone reads this comment. ~with a lot of respect and loyalty to AJFB's readers, PerryFilip

21 July 2012

Fox banner and kite

Hey jammers!Todays new item is soled in the conservation museum in appoandalle,and there is allso a new kine now sold in summer carnival.
And as new and exiting news,rorosmithrose found out the new fox toy!The regular one should be like this one but with out clothes,and orange colour!

And the daily explorer posted some pawtastic news aboat the date in the conservation museum, and the most exiting one : the daily explorer news crew! (Click for full image)
Happy jamming everyone hope seeing u in jamaa!